DossierFood Sovereignty

Our food is a commodity, the ingredients of which we often have as little insight into as the social and ecological conditions under which it is produced. Biodiversity, productive soils, and water resources are growing scarce. Corporate power exerts increasing pressure on small-scale agricultural producers. In the Global South, they are deprived of their land and control over seeds. Farm workers are exploited in global supply chains and exposed to toxic pesticides on a daily basis.

Food sovereignty

Read more on “Food Sys­tems for People, Not Cor­por­a­tions”

Essay | 23.10.2023“The Land for Those Who Work It”

Salvador Allende’s ground-breaking agrarian reform still inspires 50 years later

Comment | 16.10.2023Global Hun­ger Is Worse Than You Think

To defeat hunger around the world, we must rethink how we measure it

Studies | 07/2023The “Al­li­ance for a Green Re­volu­tion in Africa” Fails Again

Assessing the mid-term review of German-financed AGRA projects in Burkina Faso and Ghana

Studies | 06/2023En­sur­ing Ag­ri­cul­tural Re­si­li­ence in the North African Re­gion

A new study showing how farmers’ seeds can be a solution to major crises

Comment | 23.05.2023“I Call It an ‘Edu-Sci­ence Mu­sical’”

Director Andréa Gema on the making and message of “The Last Seed”

Interview | 17.04.2023The Seeds Africa Needs

Famara Diédhiou on seed struggle in Africa and the new documentary film, “The Last Seed”

Studies | 04/2023The State Mat­ters

A joint study on government agriculture spending in Tanzania and Zambia

Policy Papers | 03/2023Break­ing the Cycle of Un­sus­tain­able Food Sys­tems, Hun­ger, and Debt

A new report from IPES-Food calls for comprehensive debt relief for the Global South

Policy Papers | 02/2023Im­ple­ment­ing an Ex­port Ban on Haz­ard­ous Pesti­cides from Ger­many

A legal opinion on the scope to eliminate double standards and protect our health and environment

Studies | 02/2023Poor Nu­tri­tion and Sov­er­eign Res­ist­ance

The Russian–Ukrainian war and its impact on food in North African countries

Book | 02/2023Peas­ants as Polit­ical Sub­jects

How the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants helps peasants make their demands heard

Book | 02/2023Peas­ants’ Dig­ni­fied Lives and Live­li­hoods

How the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants protects peasants’ livelihoods and fights…

Book | 02/2023Peas­ant Rights and Food Pro­duc­tion

How the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants can be used to protect peasants’ rights to land and…

Policy Papers | 11/2022Smoke and Mir­rors

Examining competing framings of food system sustainability: agroecology, regenerative agriculture,…

Policy Papers | 10/2022The War in Ukraine Is Im­plod­ing Africa’s Food Sys­tems

A new Rosa Luxemburg Foundation policy brief puts forward recommendations to turn the tide