DossierThe Globalization of Authoritarianism

Democracy is in crisis around the world, while authoritarianism is on the rise in a growing number of countries. As distinct as the individual contexts are, the impacts of this global rightward drift are quite similar: social and political human rights are restricted, liberal achievements are under pressure, and the multiple crises of capitalism are responded to with authoritarian methods. Existing democratic institutions are hollowed out and increasingly unable to respond to the authoritarian wave. Progressive forces face the challenge of developing left-wing counter-strategies to this globalization of authoritarianism.


Video | 06.08.2019Ro­ger Griffin: Fas­cism has an ex­ist­en­tial di­men­sion

Excerpt from an interview with Roger Griffin, Professor of Contemporary History at the Faculty of…

Essay | 15.11.2023A Bless­ing or a Curse

Does the presence of oil in a country lead to authoritarianism?

Book | 12/2022Global Au­thor­it­ari­an­ism: Per­spect­ives and Con­test­a­tions from the Global South

A new volume from the International Research Group on Authoritarianism and Counter-Strategies

Analysis | 07.03.2022Putin, the Rus­si­ans, and the Ukrain­ian War

It’s high time we recognized that the Russian people are more than just an authoritarian president

Interview | 25.01.2022Art and Res­ist­ance

How do we find images and develop counter-strategies that embolden others and create a narrative for…

Book | 07/2021If Not Us, Who?

Global workers against authoritarianism, fascism, and dictatorships

Comment | 06.10.2020An End to Neut­ral­ity

Stefan Liebich (MP, Die Linke) argues that German politicians should welcome Trump’s election defeat

News | 29.09.2020Await­ing a Ver­dict in the Golden Dawn Trial

The moment of truth is set for 7 October

Essay | 02.09.2019Au­thor­it­ari­an­ism and the Greek Or­tho­dox Church

Historical and contemporary aspects

Publication | 08/2019What the New Right Wing Brings to Latin Amer­ica

Between the political and the social: new areas of dispute

Interview | 16.08.2019“Uni­ver­sal De­mands Don’t Mean Uni­ver­sal Ac­cess”

Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on race, class, and socialism in the United States

Publication | 08/2019Au­thor­it­arian Cap­it­al­ism

Is the world transitioning to a post-democratic market system?

Publication | 07/2019The Vir­tues of Dis­obedi­ence

Rita Segato's opening speech at the Buenos Aires International Book Fair 2019

Report | 05.07.2019A Saudi Spring?

Under Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, restrictions are only getting tighter

Interview | 02.07.2019“We Shouldn’t Kid Ourselves”

Wolfram Schaffar on authoritarian developments, the crisis of democracy, and the connection between…

Feature | 24.06.2019Mo­bil­iz­ing while in Mor­tal Danger

The situation of left-wing social movements in Colombia

Interview | 06/2019Id­lib: "There Will Be a Very Long and Bru­tal Fight"

An interview on the work of journalists in Syria and the situation in war-torn Idlib

News | 14.06.2019Demo­cracy or Au­thor­it­ari­an­ism?

Mozambique's future will depend on how elites deal with its debt crisis

News | 13.06.2019Kaza­kh­stan’s First Post-Naz­ar­bayev Pres­id­en­tial Elec­tion

Change and continuity for a country in transition

News | 10.06.2019No Longer “Above” Con­flicts

Russia under Putin, the state capitalist oligarchy, and the economy of authoritarianism