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15 November 2024 Convention/Conference Understanding Monsters: Fascization, Green Capitalism, and Socialism

International conference hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in cooperation with the Assoziation für kritische Gesellschaftsforschung (AkG), the Prokla editorial board, and the Berlin Institute for Critical Theory (InkriT)


Event location

Straße der Pariser Kommune 8A
10243 Berlin


15.11.2024, 18:00 - 16.11.2024, 21:00 Hr


Socio-ecological Transformation, Analysis of Capitalism, Democratic Socialism


Understanding Monsters: Fascization, Green Capitalism, and Socialism
Grafik: Jan Bachmann

What times are we living in? We are experiencing a new social situation, in which many alternate developmental paths appear to be closed off, and the Left in many countries finds itself on the defensive. At the same time, the situation is contested — debate is increasingly polarized, sometimes even violent.
Social contradictions remain unresolved: a green variety of capitalism struggles to emerge, albeit one that could hardly deal with the coming crises and catastrophes adequately anyway. A new bloc confrontation between East and West, war, and rearmament are gobbling up the resources we need to deal with the escalating social, ecological, and economic crises. Authoritarian projects and growing fascization spread resentment, fear, and everyday violence, while many left-wing projects find themselves squeezed between outdated late neoliberalism, blocked ecological modernization, and the radical right.

What are the decisive dynamics in times of crises, war, and catastrophes? How is the balance of forces developing? What future societies remain possible? What is hindering progressive development? And most importantly: what strategies and alternatives does a socialist Left need to regain action and effectiveness in these times of transformation?

At this conference, we will seek to develop a concrete analysis of the concrete situation, linked to the search for left-wing strategies and (eco-)socialist perspectives. To this end, we have invited a range of international speakers to create a space together for a diagnosis of the times.


Friday, 15 November

18.00: Welcome

  • Heinz Bierbaum (Chair of the Executive Board, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

18:30–20:30: Opening
Naming the Times: Escape from Crises and Catastrophes between Green Capitalism and Fascization

  • Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (Northwestern University)
  • Clara E. Mattei (New School)
  • Alex Demirović (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Chair: Mario Candeias (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
Saturday, 16 November

10:00–11:30 Green Capitalism and Authoritarian Upheavals

  • Sabrina Fernandez (Alameda Institute) via Zoom
  • Birgit Mahnkopf (FU Berlin)
  • Mario Candeias (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Chair: Ines Schwerdtner (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

Three parallel tracks:
Track I: Fascization, Polarization, and Class Struggles
Track II: World Order and Multiple Crises
Track III: Political Economy of Multiple Crises and Transformation Conflicts

11:45–13:30 Workshops

Track I: Tipping Points? Polarization or Dynamics of Fascization? (only in German)

  • Richard Seymour (Author/blogger, UK)
  • Birgit Sauer (University of Vienna)
  • Lia Becker (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Chair: Hannah Schurian (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

Track II: World Order and Multiple Crises: Where Do We Actually Stand?

  • China: Jenny Simon (University of Hamburg/Prokla)
  • EU: Angela Wigger (Radboud University)
  • Russia: Volodymyr Ishchenko (FU Berlin)
  • Chair: Hauke Neddermann (InkriT)

Track III: Control and Critical Appropriation of AI? On Upheavals in Production and Reproduction (only in German)

  • Sandra Sieron (HU Berlin/Prokla)
  • Tanja Carstensen (TU Chemnitz)
  • Florian Butollo (TU Berlin/Weizenbaum Institute)
  • Chair: Timo Daum (TU Berlin/Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

13:30–14:30 Lunch Break

14:30–16:30 Workshops

Track I: Intersektionale Perspektiven auf und Strategien gegen die autoritäre Transformation (only in German)

  • Katrin Reimer Gordinskaya (University of Magdeburg-Stendal/Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Friederike Beier (FU Berlin)
  • Judith Goetz (University of Innsbruck, TBC)
  • Chair: Katharina Pühl (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

Track II: (De)Globalization, Reshoring, Intra-Imperialist Rivalries: Do We Need a Fourth Wave of Imperialism Theory?

  • Radhika Desai (University of Manitoba)
  • Christoph Scherrer (University of Kassel)
  • Ingar Solty (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Chair: Judith Dellheim (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

Track III: Who Is Pursuing What Transformation Strategies in Germany and Europe? Moreover, What Would a Progressive Strategy for Economic Restructuring Look Like? (only in German)

  • Tom Bauermann (IMK/Hans-Böckler-Stiftung)
  • Markus Wissen (HWR Berlin/Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Julia Eder (Arbeiterkammer Vienna)
  • Chair: Moritz Warnke
16:45–18:45 Workshops

Track I: Fascization, Anti-Racism, and Class Struggles: What Is to Be Done? What Strategies and Alliances Are Needed? (only in German)

  • Sebastian Friedrich (Journalist)
  • Clara Bünger (MP, Die Linke) via Zoom
  • David Begrich (DGB Arbeitsstelle Rechtsextremismus)
  • Manuela Bojadžijev (HU Berlin, TBC)
  • Chair: Anika Taschke (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

Track II: Alternatives to the New Bloc Confrontation (only in German)

  • Michael Brie (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Sandro Mezzadra (University of Bologna)
  • Judith Dellheim (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)
  • Chair: David Salomon (TU Darmstadt/Rosa Luxemburg Foundation)

Track III: Is a New Accumulation Regime Emerging? Continuities, Changes, and Points of Progressive Intervention in the Face of Crises, Wars, and Catastrophes

  • Cédric Durand (University of Geneva)
  • Grace Blakeley (Author)
  • Dylan Riley (University of California, Berkeley)
  • Chair: Jenny Simon (Prokla)

18:45–19:30 Break

19:30–21:00 Closing: From Horror to Hope

  • Grace Blakeley (Author)
  • Klaus Dörre (Universities of Jena and Kassel)
  • Janine Wissler (Co-Chair, Die Linke)
  • Chair: Rhonda Koch (TBC)



Lia Becker

Senior Fellow for Social Analysis and Socialism, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung