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Co-President of Transform!Europe; Senior Advisor for Transversal Dialogue, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Email: cornelia.hildebrandt@rosalux.org
Room: 4.16
For honing the Left’s profile and expanding cooperation
The Left in the EU needs new strategies
International Workshop of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation July 21-23, 2014
The political climate in Germany in the summer before the election. Policy Paper 5/2013 by Cornelia…
Manuskripte - Neue Reihe 2 (english) by Birgit Daiber, Cornelia Hildebrandt, Anna Striethorst (Ed.),…
However, it is able to do too little with this success. Cornelia Hildebrandt, Policy Paper 1/2011
Political Parties and Party Alliances between Norway and Turkey. Also available in German…
How can Germany’s ailing socialist party overcome its current impasse and return to its former…
After its last conference, the party has a new political agenda, a new party executive, and stronger…