Publication Ungleichheit / Soziale Kämpfe - Gesellschaftstheorie - Globalisierung - Kapitalismusanalyse Capitalism’s Crisis and our Response

Policy Paper 1/2009



Policy Paper (Archiv)


Walden Bello,


May 2009

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Speech delivered at the Conference on the Global Crisis sponsored by DIE LINKE Party and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, March 20-21, 2009.

»Week after week, we see the global economy contracting at a pace worse than predicted by the gloomiest analysts. We are now, it is clear, in no ordinary recession but are headed for a global depression that could last for many years. What I would like to do here today is first, to briefly discuss the origins and dynamics of this crisis; and, second, to explore a strategy for the global left that would respond to the current crisis in the context of the challenges coming from the technocratic capitalist center and the populist capitalist right.«

Walden Bello is president of the Freedom from Debt Coalition, senior analyst at Focus on the Global South, and professor of sociology at the University of the Philippines. He is also an honorary member of Die Linke.

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