- Ulrich Brand, Austria & Germany: Energy policy and resource extractivism: resistances and alternatives (background paper)
- Brian Ashley, South Africa: Climate jobs – the struggle of our time
- Sören Becker, Germany: Energy democracy and extractivism: Some theses on alternative forms of energy organisation in Europe (and beyond)
- Many Camara, Mali: Les énergies renouvelables : alternative crédible et durable à l'exploitation d'uranium. Exemple de la Commune rurale de Faléa au Mali (French only)
- Ana Esther Ceceña, Mexico: The conception of nature and the debates, experiences and meaning of Buen vivir in Latin America (English only)
- Alexis Charitsis & Geo Velegrakis, Greece: The energy sector in Greece: industrialization, privatisation and social resistance
- Roeline Knottnerus, The Netherlands: European trade and investment policies with Africa and link with resource policies
- Tom Kucharz, Spain: An ecological proposal for electricity generation in Spain in by 2020
- Joan Leon, Tanzania: Struggles with extractivism, and alternatives: the case of NAPE in Uganda
- Amani Mustafa Mhinda, Tanzania: Self organization and resistance in Tanzania mining
- Sidi M. Omar, Spain & Western Sahara: The illegal exploitation of the natural resources of Western Sahara under Moroccan occupation
- Antonio Tricarico, Italy: European energy and resources policy – which transition?