Nachricht | GK Geschichte Nummer 83 (Frühjahr 2013) der ILWCH zu “Strikes and Social Conflicts“

International Labor and Working Class History ist eine der bedeutenden globalen Zeitschriften zur Geschichte der Arbeiter_innenbewegung. Die jetzt erschienene Ausgabe 83 resultiert aus der Konferenz 'Strikes and Social Conflict in the 20th century,' in Lissabon im März 2011. Diese war der Auftakt zur damals begonnen Arbeit der International Association Strikes and Social Conflicts.

 “A special issue of International Labor and Working Class History (83, Spring 2013) tackles the theme Strikes and Social Conflicts. Social conflicts form a major axis of 20th century history and should constitute an important line of academic research and writing, according to ILWCH issue editors and IISH research fellows Sjaak van der Velden and Raquel Varela. They should be studied in an interdisciplinary, global, long term historical and non-Eurocentric perspective."


Eine Auswahl aus dem Inhalt:

Syndicalism and Strikes. Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain and the US, by Ralph Darlington

Shantytown Dwellers' Resistance in Brazil's First Republic (1890-1930), by Romulo Costa Mattos

The Workers' Movement and Political Change in Spain, 1956-1977, by Xavier Domenènech Sampere

Strikes and pickets in Brazil. The strikes of 1957 and 1980, by Paolo Fontes and Francisco Barbosa de Macedo

Migrant Workers' Strikes in China's Pearl River Delta, 1978-2010, by Chris King-Chi Chan

The Multitude and the Many-Headed Hydra: Autonomist Marxist Theory and Labor History, by Verity Burgmann

Das Inhaltsverzeichnis und die abstracts zu dieser Schwerpunktnummer sind online.