Publikation Food Sovereignty Peasants as Political Subjects

How the UN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants helps peasants make their demands heard





La Via Campesina,


Februar 2023


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The fourth La Via Campesina booklet on “Peasants as Political Subjects”, funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, is available now! This is the last of four thematic booklets, part of popular education materials to be used as a crucial step in reconnecting those who inspired and created the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in the Rural Areas (UNDROP).

The booklet brings us to the core purpose of the UNDROP: defining rights for a distinct social group of diverse, marginalized people. This marginalization by capitalist, colonial, imperialist, and heteropatriarchal forces and the constant threats to peasant lives and livelihoods will continue to provoke political responses and actions, therefore peasants as a group can be considered political subjects. There are many articles in the UNDROP that speak directly to the rights that must be upheld to ensure peasants are respected and their political voices are heard and demands are implemented in the face of repression and rights violations.

The popular education materials will help La Via Campesina and its members and partners to effectively use the UNDROP in their struggles to assert and advance collective and individual rights. In so doing, they help to create broader awareness, promote deeper understanding, and enhance capacities (through training) of rural people’s movements.

The UNDROP popular educational materials were developed by La Via Campesina and FIAN International with support from the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Peasants as Political Subjects

Published by La Via Campesina
Illustration by Sophie Holin

Funded by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation with funds of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany. This publication or parts of it can be used by others for free as long as they provide a proper reference to the original publication.

The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of FIAN International and does not necessarily reflect the position of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

Download the Booklet