Ariel Salleh is an internationally well-known Australian activist, theorist and teacher in the field of eco-feminism. As an early eco-socialist formulation, her embodied materialism emphasises the political economy of reproductive or regenerative labor with regard to global scale. By restoring value to local everyday care giving and indigenous livelihood skills, she re-orients social justice and sustainability debates on water, climate, and the neoliberal green economy. Her critique of anthropocentrism in combination with eco-socialist, feminist and decolonialized perspectives pushes analytically and politically thrilling new perspectives. Her lecture was held on basis of her newly re-edited book Ecofeminism as Politics, where she offers an integrative understanding of our world, its multiple processes and crises, and possibilities for change in the post-development era.
Documentation Ecofeminism as Politics
Luxemburg Lecture by Ariel Salleh