The gap between rich and poor, the drifting apart of core and periphery, inequality in gender relations, war and peace, the future of democratic, socio-ecological societies, mobility and migration—practically every issue today exhibits a European policy dimension.
More recently, the question of the European project’s future has moved into the centre of political debate.
We believe that another, democratic Europe is possible. This is something we strive for. In solidarity for good work under good conditions—whether for seasonal labourers on Spanish fruit and vegetable plantations, Ukrainian textile workers who sew for German companies, or workers in Serbian firms supplying the German automobile industry.
For a European dialogue of left-wing forces in parties and social movements, to foster majorities and break neoliberal hegemony—whether with the small, new left-wing Slovenian party LEVICA that sits in parliament, or the British movement Momentum with its thousands of members.
We continue to fight for equality, respect for other lifestyles, and the empowerment of minorities—whether stopping a new abortion law in Poland or fighting for society to recognize the Roma population in Southeast Europe.
History for us is not only the past, but also the future! Remembering the crimes of Nazi Germany, not repeating mistakes, not forgetting achievements, but rather revitalizing and utilizing—whether workers’ self-management in former Yugoslavia, the lessons of the Russian Revolution, or the legacy of the Prague Spring.
The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation operates ten offices across Europe (Brussels, Moscow, Belgrade, Warsaw, Prague, Athens, Kiev, Madrid, London, Tuzla) and initiates, accompanies, and supports projects in the following areas in the majority of European countries:
- Strengthening left-wing actors in left-wing social movements, parties, and trade unions
- Solidarity, emancipation, and feminist politics
- Resistence against neoliberal policies that wreak havoc on humanity and the environment
- Alternative political approaches and a socio-ecological transformation of society
- A nuanced engagement with contemporary history — commemorating and learning from mistakes