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Inspire social movements and initiatives in their diverse struggles against authoritarian politics
Given the battlefield stalemate and ongoing risk of escalation, negotiations are more vital than…
The new right-wing wave invokes the legacy of colonialism to legitimize its agenda
In both Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Soviet-style welfare is being abandoned for neoliberal…
A Plea for Peace in Ukraine
Socialists have a fighting chance in the country’s first presidential election since the 2022…
Migration deals with the EU’s Mediterranean neighbours prioritize deterrence at the expense of human…
From agriculture to food delivery, migrants from the subcontinent face harrowing working conditions…
Recent protests are the latest wave in an ongoing struggle against inequality and corruption
Once allies, the long-standing enmity between the two countries serves elites on both sides
The Argentinian president’s popularity highlights the extent of neoliberal networks around the world
With Die Linke caught between crisis and transition, how can it get back on its feet?