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South Africa’s Journey from 1994 to 2024
Recent protests are the latest wave in an ongoing struggle against inequality and corruption
The situation in Cabo Delgado is deteriorating, but militarization is not the solution
Despite its reputation as a model developing country, Kagame’s Rwanda remains an autocracy
The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive could do more to protect African mining…
Since taking power, el-Sisi has vastly expanded his country’s network of prisons and detention…
With the Senegalese coastline retreating at a fast pace, social movements are organizing to counter…
As climate change intensifies, apartheid geography poses a grave threat to the health of Black South…
In an era of geopolitical upheaval, the UN Binding Treaty on Business and Human Rights is a chance…
Why the Egyptian military regime is more powerful — and more brutal — than its predecessors
One year ago, Uganda passed a law making homosexuality a punishable offence. What effect is it…
The path to peace will only succeed with the involvement of civil society
Election results in South Africa point to an uncertain future for the Rainbow Nation
Zambian farmer Royd Michelo educates his community on agroecology, but the government and Bill Gates…
Three decades into the democratic transition, land rights remain a highly contested good
In conversation with Andrew Bennie on food sovereignty and the land question in South Africa