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Fuelled by growing economic hardships and fears about the future of the continent, an alarming drift…
Since over one million Berlin voters cast their ballot in favour of the “Deutsche Wohnen & Co.…
The cost-of-living crisis continues to tear through the global economy, inflating the profits of a…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75 History teaches us that the implementation of human…
What would mobility for all with less traffic look like? What projects and approaches to…
With faith in its role eroding, the UN is struggling to make a fresh start
In both Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Soviet-style welfare is being abandoned for neoliberal…
Socialists have a fighting chance in the country’s first presidential election since the 2022…
Recent protests are the latest wave in an ongoing struggle against inequality and corruption
The Argentinian president’s popularity highlights the extent of neoliberal networks around the world
With Die Linke caught between crisis and transition, how can it get back on its feet?
The EU was crucial to Viktor Orbán’s rise — now, he wants to remake it in his own image
With Berlin slashing budgets for development cooperation, the Left must put forward an alternative…
The situation in Cabo Delgado is deteriorating, but militarization is not the solution
Despite its reputation as a model developing country, Kagame’s Rwanda remains an autocracy
In the lead up to the presidential election, both the government and the opposition seem certain of…