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Since over one million Berlin voters cast their ballot in favour of the “Deutsche Wohnen & Co.…
The cost-of-living crisis continues to tear through the global economy, inflating the profits of a…
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75 History teaches us that the implementation of human…
What would mobility for all with less traffic look like? What projects and approaches to…
Javier Milei’s first year as President of Argentina has been an unmitigated disaster
With the government in disarray and capital on the offensive, space for left-wing alternatives is…
The founding of the European Left Alliance is symptomatic of deeper fractures within the Left
Fine Gael’s risky wager to gain the upper hand could backfire in Friday’s vote
Upcoming elections could see the opposition overtake long-time ruling party SWAPO
La France Insoumise’s Manon Aubry on building the fightback against neoliberalism and the Right
Recent elections gave left-wing parties a commanding majority, but will they be able to wield it…
What the crisis in the German auto industry means for workers, and how they can fight back
The US election results were a massive defeat for the fight against authoritarianism everywhere
Following months of infighting, a new split may spell the end of what was once the rising star of…
While liberal dissidents receive most of the attention, Russian leftists face an equally brutal…
A new study lays out how the continent can reclaim its energy future