14 August 2023 Movie "Black faces in white? space"

Film screening and discussion


Event location

hofkino.berlin – Freiluftkino im FMP1
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
10243 Berlin


14.08.2023, 21:00 - 22:30 Hr


Social Movements / Organizing, Migration / Flight, Participation / Civil Rights


"Black faces in white? space"
Foto: Thabo Thindi

"Black faces in white? space" explores the dynamics and complexities of being Black in Germany. It intertwines personal experiences of the filmmaker Thabo Thindi who narrowly survived death at the hands of the German police and that of the everyday reality of the “other” Black individuals manoeuvring through life in a country that views itself as homogenous. The film confronts the struggles of Black conflicts. The question of colourism, sexuality, identity, pride, nationality and colonialism assume a central part of the (narrative) plot.

In doing so, the filmmaker attempts to create new perspectives on blackness.

What does it mean to be black in Germany?

After the film, Thabo Thindi will talk about the background to the film and be available for questions. The subsequent discussion will be held in English.

The film has a length of 75 minutes and is shown in German and English, with English subtitles of the German parts.

About …Thabo Thindi:

My life journey began in Huhudi township in North-West Province of South Africa where I was born. As a child I had many puzzling questions as to why white people treated us, Black people, with such deep hostility accompanied by brutal violence and yet we were still regarded as dangerous devils and them as saints. Currently I am based in Berlin, the city that one could loosely say re-institutionalised the continuation of this oppression and exploitation of black people during and through the so-called 1884 Berlin Congo Conference.
For the moment my life occupation which some might call work is focused on healing, empowering and connecting the Black masses using few tools at my disposal being photography, film, words and my body in order to continue the struggle to liberate us from the yoke of the white men. I personally prefer rather not to be boxed into any kind of categorisation but instead to simply be seen as a human being who is a witness of life.

Free entry.


Trailer: www.jozi.tv/films/



Britta Becker

Senior Advisor Southern and East Africa, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Phone: +49 30 44310 403