28 September 2023 Discussion/Lecture Germany’s Climate Protest Crackdown

A discussion about the right to protest and freedom of assembly in the context of the climate crisis


Event location

Salon, 1. Etage
Franz-Mehring-Platz 1
10243 Berlin


28.09.2023, 19:00 - 20:30 Hr


German / European History, Globalization, Social Movements / Organizing, Participation / Civil Rights


Germany’s Climate Protest Crackdown
Klimaaktivist*innen blockieren am 4. Juli 2022 die Autobahn A100 an der Seestraße in Berlin. Dabei wurde sie durch Polizist*innen durch Einsatz körperlicher Gewalt von der Straße geräumt. CC BY 2.0, FDR Presidential Library & Museum, via Wikimedia

Although in Germany freedom of assembly is in principle legally anchored and protected, assemblies and demonstrations are increasingly treated as a threat to security in public space and less as an essential part of living democracy. Especially in the context of climate protests and their media coverage, climate activists are repeatedly labeled as troublemakers.

In the run-up to the IAA MOBILITY 2023 (International Motor Show) in Bavaria, some activists were taken into preventive custody without any accusation of a crime in order to guarantee the calm course of the event. Questions arise regarding the polices authority to control and monitor protesters. Further accusations against activists are often that the protests significantly restrict people who are not direct decision makers and that the actions have a negative impact on societal attitudes towards combating climate change.

What is the current situation in Germany regarding freedom of assembly and climate protests? How can the right to protest potentially be strengthened? We want to discuss these and other questions in a panel of experts.

  • Ferat Koçak, Spokesperson for Anti-Fascist Politics, Flight and Climate Policy/Fraktion Die Linke
  • Emmanuel Schlichter, Green Legal Impact Germany e.V.
  • Elster (climate justice activist, especially involved in Ende Gelände and the group Wuhlheide bleibt)
  • Moderation: Sukayna El-Zayat, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

The discussion of the in-person event will take place in German.

If you participate online via Zoom, the event will be simultaneously translated into English: https://zoom.us/j/94805067233?pwd=bE5mMWtnbE1ETGVEQjc2ZUV2VTA1UT09



Sukayna El-Zayat

Project Manager North America, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Phone: +49 30 44310 489