Central Asia Regional Office
Since 2019, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation has organised its work in the Central Asia region through its office in Almaty, Kazakhstan. As part of its programme, the office works with partners in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and organises its own events. Our team currently consists of 7 people.
The key points of our programme are the development of socially just, inclusive societies that open up opportunities for everyone to actively participate in and help shape social processes, the promotion of peace and security and a sensitive approach to identity-building processes in the region.
The key moment for shaping inclusive societies in Central Asia is the issue of gender equality and the realisation of the positive potential of groups in the population that have so far been little heard.
With their research and diverse initiatives, our partners from academia and civil society organisations are helping people from different backgrounds to get involved in the development of their cities and making their efforts more visible.
Climate change and its consequences are bringing major changes for people, particularly in our region, and require adjustments in the relationship between people and nature. It is not uncommon for vulnerable population groups to be particularly affected by the changes. In our view, it is particularly important to find solutions to social and ecological problems that combine both areas in such a way that balanced and therefore long-term effective approaches are developed and implemented.
Changes in the international political and economic structure represent a challenge for actors in Central Asia - how they envisage the development of the region and their positioning in regional and supra-regional exchange processes is the subject of some of our projects.

Central Asia Regional Office
Director: Marlies Linke
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Central Asia Regional Office
ul. Masanchi 98A, office 31
A15M2A8 Almaty