Key Issues

The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung’s activities focus on the same set of issues in both programme countries:

Strengthening emancipatory educational projects

Education plays a key role given the broad socio-economic challenges facing both countries, as teaching and learning are dominated by traditional and hierarchical structures. Learning by rote and repetition are essential methods, whereas independent thinking and critical reflection are not encouraged.

The reproduction of conservative social values, norms and stereotypes blocks social change and prevents diversity, self-determination and a democratic sense of community from flourishing.

This status quo is not only confined to institutions of formal education, but shapes informal education and social communication as well. The RLS therefore promotes alternative educational methods and approaches envisioning a different kind of education. 

Developing alternatives to neoliberal policy approaches

Public and systematic debate concerning social justice in Palestine is only beginning to emerge, but over the past years, promising approaches have been put forward. Social struggles are increasingly becoming a part of everyday life in Palestine, as evidenced, for example, by mobilizations around demands for greater co-determination regarding social legislation. 

Supported by the RLS, civil society actors – particularly those working outside established institutions, such as trade unions and parties – have begun intensifying their networking efforts and organizing joint activities.

Jordan’s economic and social situation is bleak, with roughly a quarter of its population living below the poverty line. Economic tensions have been triggered, above all, by cuts in social spending, privatisation and corruption.

Social protests and demands for political and economic reform date back several decades. 

Creating and fostering cooperation across a broad alliance of civil society organisations is therefore an important instrument in promoting greater socio-economic inclusion and participation in both countries.

Regional and international exchange and networking

Civil society actors in the programme countries often work in isolation and neglect to add their voices to regional and international discourses. We urgently require a discussion of our own analyses and policy approaches together with research institutions, political actors and decision makers at both the local as well as regional levels, in order to use them to enrich international discourse.

The RLS therefore promotes dialogue with regional, European and non-European international exchange partners. 

Partner organisations include civil society actors, trade unions, community-based organisations (CBOs), social workers, academics, government organisations, political movements, the staff of educational institutions and students.