This year again, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation attends the UN climate summit together with its international partners. Here, they raise their voices, report on their work and demand climate justice.

"The global ecological crisis is a direct by-product of the dominant capitalist system." | Kashmira Banee, CARES, Mauritius
"Facing climate and ecological emergency, the Centre for Alternative Research and Studies (CARES) does not only hold national schools of ecology providing spaces for discussions and analytical tools to young people on the global ecological crisis - a direct by-product of the dominant capitalist system. CARES also...

"We must change the predominant cultural and civilizatory model that turns life into a commodity." | Anisley Morejón Ramos, National Program of Climate Change Kuba, Philosophie-Institut Institute of Philosophy Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Cuba
"The international UN climate negotiations have put much effort into pushing mitigation of and adaptation to climate change. However, those measures hide the real intentions behind the negotiations. And even more: these negotiations hide the real nature of climate change.
First of all...

"Mauritius is a small island in the Indian Ocean. An above 1.5° C global average temperature increase means genocide for us." | David Sauvage, CARES, Mauritius
"Being in Katowice we wish to learn from the daily struggles of other grassroot activists, build solidarity and reinforce our own local struggles based on these learning experiences. Mauritius is...

"For the implementation of the Paris Agreement we must strongly promoate human rights, gender equality, just transition, and indigenous peoples' rights." | Emilia Reyes, Gender Equity, Mexico
"The organization I work for is a feminist one based in Mexico. It is currently planning the implementation of a pioneering project on mitigation, gender equality and cities. It is also part of my work...
"We want to show how women and communities experience the climate crisis." | Dinda Nuur Annisaa Yura, Solidaritas Perempuan, Indonesia
"We from Solidaritas Perempuan are working together with grassroot women in various contexts. Among them are women peasants, women in coastal areas, and indiginous women living in forests who experience climate crisis as well as false climate solutions and struggling for climate justice. We are also active...

"Governments should address climate change issue as a secuirty issue. It's about the lives of our people and continuity of our culture.” | Susan Aleya, MADRE, Kenya
I'm from the Rendile indigenous peoples community, and we experience food insecurity and lack of water due to lack of rainfall that can take five years. Last year november...

“Time for governments to act is now, tomorrow will be too late.” | Rosemary Mesopirr, MADRE, Kenya
"I'm from the Maasai indigenous peoples community, and as indigenous women we do not have land rights even though it's in law...