News | Globalization - South Asia The German Supply Chain Act One Year On

Pakistani trade unionists tour Germany to speak on labour rights violations in their country

Links: Nasir Mansoor (Foto: Sina Marx)
Rechts: Zehra Khan (Foto: Patricia Carney)

The German Supply Chain Act (LkSG), which came into force on 1 January 2023, obliges companies to ensure compliance with labour rights along their entire production chain. One year after the law came into force, members of Pakistan’s National Trade Union Federation (NTUF) and the Home-Based Women Workers’ Federation (HBWWF) will come to Germany to discuss which human rights are still not being implemented in the value chains of German companies.

From 22–31 January 2024, at the invitation of FEMNET, ECCHR, and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Zehra Khan (General Secretary, HBWWF) and Nasir Mansoor (Deputy General Secretary, NTUF) will be in Germany to talk to representatives of companies and politicians.  The two Pakistani guests will also report publicly on labour rights violations in Pakistani textile factories as part of the tour.


  • Monday, 22 January, 2024, 19:00 in Bonn
    Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung e.V., Godesberger Allee 149, 53175 Bonn, Germany
  • Tuesday, 23 January 2024, 19:00 in Bochum
    Bahnhof Langendreer, Wallbaumweg 108, 44894 Bochum
  • Thursday, 25 January 2024, 19:00 in Berlin
    Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Straße der Pariser Kommune 8A, 10243 Berlin