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Robert Springborg on how the Egyptian dictator secures his violent rule
From football to the Olympics, Sisi’s regime deploys athletes as foot soldiers in its war for…
Since taking power, el-Sisi has vastly expanded his country’s network of prisons and detention…
Why the Egyptian military regime is more powerful — and more brutal — than its predecessors
What is behind Egypt’s decision to join the South African ICJ case?
Escalating tensions in the Red Sea have exposed Cairo’s dwindling influence in the Horn of Africa
Building on traditions dating back to colonialism, Egyptian police today are more militarized than…
Egyptians are headed to the polls next month, but the winner is a foregone conclusion
The history and present of state surveillance in Egypt
The ten years since the coup have witnessed unprecedented repression and censorship
As Egypt prepares to host COP27, we can’t allow human rights abuses to be swept under the rug
At least 19 new prisons have been built in Egypt since the military coup in July 2013
Global Crisis – Global Solidarity #15 with Hossam el-Hamalawy, Egyptian journalist and activist.