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On the exploitation of migrants during the harvest and grassroots union resistance in Italy,…
More than just a treaty between two fronts: on the role of women in the Columbian peace process.
Although codified in the Universal Declaration in 1948, human rights must be fought for every day
Sina Marx and Nadja Dorschner on the loopholes and pitfalls of Germany’s new supply chain law
With corporations more transnational than ever, unions and regulators are struggling to catch up
The war in Ukraine has clear economic roots, but few economic winners
Jan van Aken on the need to talk about where and when the peace movement made a wrong turn
Communist theorist Bini Adamczak on why the Left cannot allow itself to be sedated by the…
Eva Wuchold and Jan van Aken on the social dimension of health and sickness
Jan Turowski on China’s “Belt and Road Initiative”
Climate change is the result of human activity. Although this is bad, it also means that we can do…