DossierSolidarity against the Coronavirus

The coronavirus crisis not only threatens millions of people around the world, but also lays bare the political and economic state of affairs in- and outside Europe. Healthcare systems left ailing after years of austerity, international institutions barely capable of responding to the crisis, and right-wing governments that exploit the current moment to further restrict civil rights all make the situation worse. 

Newswall Corona Special

Essay | 16.02.2023Pan­demic and Pres­sure on the Shop Floor

Mapping the grave impact of COVID-19 on the Indian garment and textile industry

Interview | 25.04.2022Re­volu­tions are Kept Alive by Stor­ies

Sudanese filmmaker Ahmad Mahmoud on the link between filmmaking and political change

Interview | 27.01.2022“Does Our Life Mean Noth­ing?”

Protesting during the pandemic

Video | 08.04.2020The fem­in­ist In­ter­na­tional in times of Corona

Interview | 26.01.2022“I Had to Wait Out­side for Five Hours while I Had COVID”

On the chaos of how authorities deal with the pandemic

Interview | 19.01.2022“The San­it­ary Fa­cil­it­ies Were Very Dirty”

On the lack of integration measures and adequate sanitary conditions in refugee housing

Interview | 19.01.2022“You Al­ways Have to Knock, Like a Wood­pecker”

On everyday life in the Bargkoppelstieg refugee accommodations in Hamburg

News | 11.01.2022“Like in Prison”

Everyday life in refugee accommodations during the pandemic

Interview | 04.01.2022“A Preg­nant Wo­man Was Kneed By a Se­cur­ity Guard”

COVID, deportations, and violent security guards in Bavarian refugee accommodations

Interview | 04.01.2022“You Can’t Just Starve Your Baby”

Pregnancy and life with a new-born in an initial reception centre

Interview | 03.01.2022“COVID-19 Star­ted to Spread Wildly”

Quarantine and refugee protests during the COVID crisis

Interview | 03.01.2022“They Spit on Every Child’s Right”

On women, children, and people with pre-existing conditions in the Suhl reception centre

Interview | 15.12.2021Glim­mers of Hope?

Health care in the Gaza Strip continues to suffer under the twin pressures of pandemic and…

Studies | 12/2021Our Health, Their Profit?

Case studies on union busting by healthcare corporations and trade union resistance

Interview | 03.12.2021“Po­lice Bru­tal­ity Is a Big Prob­lem”

How have conditions for asylum seekers in Bavaria worsened under the pandemic?

Interview | 02.12.2021“The Situ­ation Made My Daugh­ter De­pressed”

Ali Zavari talks about his experiences living in German refugee accommodations

Comment | 06.09.2021Solid­ar­ity: An­other COVID Vic­tim

What’s more important in a global pandemic, human rights or the right to make a profit?

Comment | 06.08.2021Wrest­ling with the Pan­demic

Bangladesh’s health care infrastructure is woefully under-equipped to fight COVID-19

Report | 05.08.2021A Deadly Third Wave

Scenes from Namibia’s devastating COVID crisis