O4P’s Core Fundamentals is a six-week intensive training programme composed of weekly sessions divided into lectures and practice time, plus campaign assignments that organizing groups are expected to complete on their own time. Over these six weeks, you will strengthen your knowledge and practice of leadership identification, semantics, one-on-one conversations, charting, and structure tests. Read more about the programme here.
The training takes place mostly in English, with interpretation into Arabic, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Spanish, and other languages according to demand. Contact us to find out if we can accommodate your language needs.
The registration deadline is 1 February, so begin assembling your group of 10+ now. Don’t have a large enough group yet? Well, you’ve got time to find one! So get out there now and start talking to your colleagues and comrades, because we’re only going to win if we’re in this together.
We look forward to seeing you soon, together with your organizing group and thousands of others from across the world, all of you brought together in the same space to ORGANIZE FOR POWER.
This training programme is hosted by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. Contact us at organizing4power@rosalux.org with any questions you have.
REGISTRATION LINK: https://bit.ly/O4P-CF-Registration-2023
ABOUT THE PROGRAMME:https://bit.ly/O4P-CF-About-2023
Fanni Stolz
Senior Fellow for Care and Health, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Email: fanni.stolz@rosalux.org
Phone: +49 30 44310 116