Whether it is the expansion of wind farms or the turn towards electric automobility - wherever contradictions and tensions of the "greening" of capitalism come to light, forces of the radical right frequently pose as the voice of ”ordinary” people.
Both “green” consumers and climate activists are being portrayed as detached from everyday realities. Facing the symptoms of climate change, which are increasingly hard to deny, right-wing radicals often present themselves as the true conservationists.
The spectrum of right-wing responses to the ecological crisis and its hegemonic treatment is broad and becoming increasingly complex. It ranges from denial and total blockade of climate policy over market-friendly laissez-faire and green-modern nationalism to a racist and nationalist critique of the economy.
What exactly are the differences between the diverse argumentation and intervention patterns of right-wing authoritarian actors? Where do they intertwine despite their superficial differences? What challenges do forces of an emancipatory socio-ecological transformation face due to right-wing involvement in the climate crisis debate? And what are effective anti-fascist counter-strategies?
We would like to discuss these questions with
- Tatjana Söding and William Callison from the Zetkin Collective. The international collective was founded at the Institute of Human Ecology at Lund University (Sweden) and published the book White Skin, Black Fuel: On the Danger of Fossil Fascism in 2021.
- Sarah v. Wintzingerode and Florian Teller from FARN: The “Fachstelle Radikalisierungsprävention und Engagement im Naturschutz” (Special Unit for Engagement and the Prevention of Radicalisation in Nature Conservation) is an offshoot of the German “NaturFreunde” (Friends of Nature) and its youth section, “Naturfreundejugend”, and is dedicated to raising awareness about right-wing ideologies and activities in German nature conservation.
The presentations will be held in German and English Language. Simultaneous interpretation will be available.
Dr. Marcus Hawel
Deputy Head Scholarship Department, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
Email: marcus.hawel@rosalux.org
Phone: +49 30 44310457