We Will Rise!
The map makes it clear: people in many parts of the world are fighting for climate justice—from the anti-oil protests in Nigeria, the protest marches of indigenous women in the Amazon, and the Northern Forest Defense in Turkey to the peasant movement in India. Often, those who are the most affected and marginalized are the ones who prostest most vigorously. The front page of the card shows: together we are building pressure as part of a global, growing movement. We want to rise! Are you in?
The map was developed in cooperation with PowerShift and the Umweltinstitut München.
Or We Will Burn!
When you turn the map over to the other side, you see examples of how the existing upheavals and inequities of fossil and colonial capitalism will intensify as the climate crisis progresses—through extreme weather events, rising sea levels, or heatwaves that will hit especially those who have contributed the least to the climate crisis. It is in our hands: climate crisis or climate justice.