Beirut Regional Office

The Regional Office of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Beirut primarily supports projects in Lebanon and Iraq. It also works with the critical Syrian diaspora in Germany, which campaigns for perspectives for a peaceful, democratic, and free Syria, and publishes reports on developments in Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar.

(Kopie 1)

Multiple crises have characterized many of the countries we work in for decades. Wars and violent conflicts go hand in hand with massive economic crises, impoverishment, social inequality, as well as refugees and migration movements. These are compounded by the effects of the climate catastrophe as well as the energy and food crises.

Against this backdrop, protest movements have emerged that oppose the various forms of violence and exploitation rife in the region. Resistance is primarily the work of young people who organize themselves in different groups and initiatives against the establishment. The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation’s work in Beirut deals with the different forms of violence and seeks to strengthen actors in civil society.


  • Conflict and Post-Conflict
    Given the long history of conflict in the region, the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation supports alternative critical discourses on conflict and post-conflict and actors who call on political elites to take responsibility, an end to impunity, and greater participation by the population. The critical examination of tribalism and clientelism is of crucial importance to alternative social and political models.
  • Migration and Refugees
    As a consequence of these intersecting crises, the region is characterized by large-scale refugee flows and migration movements. The foundation supports refugees and migrants in organizing themselves and demanding their rights. Our focus is on supporting initiatives that advocate for fair working conditions for migrant domestic workers who labour under catastrophic conditions in Lebanon and Qatar. The foundation also strengthens progressive, solidarity-based discourses around issues of flight and migration that focus on the perspectives of those affected.
  • Political Economy and Social Rights
    Many reasons have led to a food crisis in the programme region. More and more local actors are reacting to the situation, dealing with alternative economic designs and practical approaches to sustainable economic activity. The foundation supports the networking of small farmers and other actors who are committed to food sovereignty and a self-determined life. This includes access to agricultural resources, direct marketing of products and the revival of old regional seed varieties.

Beirut Regional Office

Director: Tanja Tabbara

Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Beirut Office
Main Road, Badaro 2000 Bldg, Ground Floor
Badaro, Beirut

+961 (0)1 380893