Nachricht | GK Geschichte Neuerscheinung beim IISG: Migration History in World History

Kurzinfo zum dritten Band in der englischspachigen Buchserie "Studies in Global Social History'.

New publication by IISH-researcher Jan Lucassen: 'Migration History in
World History' third volume in the series 'Studies in Global Social
Migration History in World History : Multidisciplinary Approaches (Edited by Jan Lucassen, Leo Lucassen and Patrick Manning, )
Studies in Global Social History, 3.
Leiden: Brill, 2010. ISBN 978-90-351-3501-7 (hardback), x + 290 pp.

Migration is the talk of the town. On the whole, however, the current situation is seen as resulting from unique political upheavals. Such a-historical interpretations ignore the fact that migration is a fundamental phenomenon in human societies from the beginning and plays a crucial role in the cultural, economic, political and social developments and innovations. So far, however, most studies are limited to the last four centuries, largely ignoring the spectacular advances made in other disciplines which study the 'deep past', like
anthropology, archaeology, population genetics and linguistics, and that
reach back as far as 80.000 years ago. This is the first book that offers an overview of the state of the art in these disciplines and shows how historians and social scientists working in the recent past can profit from their insights.

Table of contents
A: Historical approaches
. Migration history: multidisciplinary approaches. (Jan Lucassen, Leo
Lucassen, Patrick Manning)

B: Biological Approaches
. Population genetics and the migration of modern humans (Homo sapiens).
(Peter de Knijff) . A brief introduction to geochemical methods used in
assessing migration in biological anthropology (Shomarka Keita)

C: Linguistic approaches
. Prehistoric migration and colonization processes in Oceania: a view
from historical linguistics and archaeology (Andrew Pawley)
. Linguistic testimony and migration histories (Christopher Ehret)
. The archaeo-linguistics of migration (Patrick McConvell)

D: Anthropological approaches
. Ancient immigrants: archaeology and maritime migrations (Jon M.
. The family factor in migration decisions (Jan Kok)