Die neue Ausgabe von Moving the social. Journal of Social History and the History of Social Movements ist soeben erschienen. Sie enthält folgende Beiträge
Norman LaPorte, 'Introduction: Isaac Deutscher and the Biographer’s Dilemma´, pp. 5-30.
Ronald Suny, '“A Tempest in a Glass of Water”: Stalin the Underground Revolutionary and the Conflicts within Bolshevism', pp. 31-50.
Tauno Saarela, 'Yrjö Mäkelin’s Choice', pp. 51-71.
Geoffrey Roberts, 'An Autobiographical Pact: The Memoirs of Marshal Georgy Zhukov', pp. 73-94.
Reiner Tosstorff, 'Robert Dißmann – Zwischen Metallarbeitergewerkschaft und linker Sozialdemokratie', pp. 95-125.
Norman LaPorte, 'Ernst Thälmann: The Making of a German Communist, 1886-1921', pp. 127-157.
Mario Kessler, 'Joseph Berger: Communist Activist in Palestine and Victim of Stalinism (1904-1978)', pp. 159-178.
Dieter Nelles/Hartmut Rübner, 'Avantgarde einer egalitären Bewegung: Anarchosyndikalisten in Deutschland in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts', pp. 179-212.
Kevin Morgan, '“Colourless, Dry and Dull”: Why British Trade Unionists Lack Biographers and What (if Anything) Should be Done About it', pp. 213-237.
John Callaghan, 'Bertrand Russell: The Committed Sceptic in Public Life', pp. 239-261.
Sharif Gemie, 'A Loser: Octave Mirbeau’s Evolution from Populist Right to Libertarian Left', pp. 263-281.
David Berry, 'From Son of the Bourgeoisie to Servant of the Revolution: The Roots of Daniel Guérin’s Revolutionary Socialism', pp. 283-311.
Stefan Berger, 'Review Article: More Publications on the History of Social Movements', pp. 313-334.
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