Publikation Soziale Bewegungen / Organisierung Socialist individualism





Februar 2005


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Neoliberalist society just isn’t individualistic enough, is it?

November 30th, 1999. On that morning, I dared to dream. «In Seattle, the authorities have declared a state of emergency. Police have used tear gas against thousands of demonstrators outside the World Trade Organisation’s ministerial meeting». In was the 7 o’clock news. But it felt like a spark, flying all the way across the Atlantic and down through my alarm clock radio. It hit me. I was instantly awake. And I had this dream of a world wide awakening from the American dream.

The American dream is that of the individual. The United States never had a strong nobility, no powerful papacy, there never was an “ancien régime” with rigid distinctions of class and estate. The judgements of The market do not distinguish the finest of family names from the most common of John Smiths. The market recognises only plus and minus. Surplus and deficit. ...

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