
Veranstaltungen der RLS und des Netzwerks »transform!« 
Timeslot Room Code Title area Organizers Languages
Thursday 1slot Β2 (745, 753, 751) SOCIAL MOVEMENTS, TRADE UNIONS, AND POLITICS Stratégie du mouvement Espaces Marx( Fr); Union Syndicale Solidaires, France; Romanian Social Forum; CGIL Italy; Rete Delle Camere del lavoro En-Ro-Gr; Fr-Ro-Gr; It-Fr-Ro
Thursday 1slot     Development, cooperation, social needs: democracy in scientific research is necessary for a genuine knowledge based economy   Fédération mondiale des travailleurs scientifique,  International Network of Engineers and Scientists for Global Responsibility, Union générale des ingénieurs et cadres CGT (France),  Fédération de l’éducation, de la recherche et de la culture CGT (France),  Syndicat national des travailleurs de la recherche scientifique CGT (France), Syndicat national de l’enseignement supérieur-FSU, Fondation Sciences citoyennes (France),  Federation Nacional dos Professores (Portugal), Transform-Italie, Espaces Marx  (France) Fr/ It/ en/ger
Thursday 1slot C 114, 133, 135, 165 For a Medicin Public Pole in Europe Droits sociaux, services publics, protection sociale. espaces marx, Roza Luxemburg stiftung, hungarian social forum  
Thursday 1slot Β (792, 807) Globalisation, Real-Estate Speculation and the Urban politics and local struggle -Initiative for the Right to the City, Greece,  Ruhr District Tenants Forum/Habitat Netz, Germany,  London Tenants Federation, U.K, Transform! Italia/Network for a Participative Master Plan, Rome, Italy HIC Housing and Landrights Network (HLRN), Cairo, Eg Greek, English, French
Thursday 1slot     Fighting precarity and social exclusion   Greek Social Forum Greek/ En/ Fr/ It/ Turk
Thursday 2slot A   For a European citizenship of residence,and the right to vote for foreigner reidents: the situation and how to fight against Migrations en Europe ASCER + AEDH (EU), APDHA (ES), ARCI (IT) , (FR), LDH (FR),  LDH hellène (GR), TRANSFORM , Espace Marx(fr) ; le Réseau Migrations et citoyenneté ; Mouvement fédéraliste européen  ; sos racismo (spain) FROM- Greek, English, French, Italian–TO- English ; Greek ; French ;, Spanish.
Thursday 2slot B10 (739, 737, 778, 729, 735) Presentation of researchers' outcomes on Democracy in movements: How global movements are changing politics Stratégie du mouvement  DEMOS, Euromovements and Transform! Italia From English, French, Italian, and Spanish to Greek, French, English, and Turquoise
Thursday 2slot C (83,  91, 92, 93) Opposing the populist far right and fascism in Europe: fighting against neo-liberalism and racism Discriminations, Racisme, Extrême-droite. NAAR, Espaces Marx, Transform!, Young democrats / young left grec, anglais, français, allemand, polonais
Thursday 2slot W
The challenges of pan-European left journalism Education, Culture, Médias. Eurotopia (magazines Epohi;Avgi; Red Pepper; Carta, El Veijo Topo, Feral Tribune, Mladina, Politis, Iprog plus Nicos Poulantzas Institute, Transnational Institute; Transform! Italia.) From: Italian, English, French, Spanish, Russian, Greek Into: Greek, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian
Thursday 2slot C (608, 612, 610, 804, 30) Rethinking Europe: New actors, new roles Où va l’UE ? ATTAC-Germany, CIDEFE, Espace Marx, ENDYL, Rouge and transform!  
Thursday 3slot Α  40-80 (118, 172, 191,  740) Knowledge as a Common Good Education, Culture, Médias. charter of principles of another europe, critical network, austrian social forum, Arci, Euromovements, Transform!Italia French, English, Italian, German
Thursday 3slot B8   Social equalization: struggles for social and political rights against social exclusion of migrants and refugees. Migrations en Europe Transform + Antiracist Initiative of Thessaloniki, ACTION (Italia) + EDOTH: Federation of Public Sector Workers Unions of Thessaloniki, +  Greek Migrant’s Forum, +  Association of Migrants Women from Africa – Greece, + Odysseas – Initiative for teaching Greek language to migrants and refugees+ european network for the right to health / peoples health movement  
Friday 1slot B 733, 731, 716, 749, 752 Reinventing politics in a era of networks and movements Stratégie du mouvement  Protect the Future; Transform!Italia; Initiatives for Another World + Terrazul; Punto Russo, Fronesis, Transnational Institute FROM: English, Portugese, Italian, French TO: English, Greek, French, Spanish, German, Hungarian
Friday 1slot B (746, 801, 796, 797, 798, 802) Participatory Governance in European Cities: struggling against or abiding for neoliberalism? Urban politics Athina Poli Anoihti, Greece, Trasform Europe, Groupe AGCS Du Forum Social De Belgique, Confederation of Trade Unions of Public Sector Workers in Turkey, Institute for Globalization Studies, Russia, Habitat Net / Ruhr District Tenants Forum English, French, Spanish, Greek
Friday 1slot C   Towards economic democracy : defending, renewing and democratizing public services La place du travail Réseau européen d'élus progressistes, CIDEFE, Espaces Marx, Transform Europe, charter of principles of another europe Fr, En, Gr, German, Italian
Friday 1slot B   Health, Drugs and Research as a Public Good Droits sociaux, services publics, protection sociale. european network for the right to health / peoples health movement English, Greek, Turkish, French,  German, Italian
Friday 1slot W   Europe must Respond to the Challenges of People’s Health, not to the 'Challenges of Globalisation' Droits sociaux, services publics, protection sociale. rosa-luxemburg-stiftung  
Friday 1slot W   Global economy - working conditions and social struggles in Eastern Europe Précarité, pauvreté, exclusion. rosa-luxemburg-stiftung  
Friday 2slot Α (593, 595, 596, 599, 41) Common Europe: civic integration or neoliberal EU political project?” Où va l’UE ? Charter of our principles of another Europe), IPROG (Russioa), ARCI (Italy), Hungarian Social Forum) Hungary, Transform Europe Greek, Polish, Russian, Italian, Hungarian
Friday 2slot Α (739, 737, 778, 729, 735) Dialogues between theory and practice; Dialogues between researchers, activists and activist researchers. Stratégie du mouvement Fondation sciences citoyennes, Centre for the study of social and global justice (Nottingham), DEMOS, Euromovements, TNI and Transform!  Italia, Common memory project From English, French, Italian, and Spanish to Greek, French, English, and Turquoise
Friday 2slot B   Migrant labour and migrant struggles in the process of precariousness Migrations en Europe Frrassanito + CGIL + Transform +  CGT + Migreurop/Ipam + ARCI , Conféderation of Trade Unions of Public sector of Turkey ; All Russian confederation of labor Greek/, En/ Fr/ Turk/ Rus/it
Friday 2slot Β6 (696, 756,  776) Socialism, Communism and Human Emancipation in the 21st Century Stratégie du mouvement Transform! Europe, Russian Social Social Forum French, English, Italian, German
Friday 2slot B (40, 63, 523, 523, 503) Towards Economic Democracy: Democracy in enterprises La place du travail Transform Europe, Espaces Marx, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Nicos Poulantzas Institute, IPROG, SCOP, Charter for another Europe, Hungarian Social Forum Greek, English, Russian, French
Friday 2slot C (28, 62, 56, 57, 43) Constitution building process in the EU Démocratie et Droits fondamentaux Attac D - Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro – Mehr-Demokratie - Movimento Federalista Europeo - Pour la République Sociale - Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung - Young Democrats/Young Left From French, German, Italian to English, French and Greek
Friday 2slot D   Rethinking Europe: What democratic refoundation of Europe Où va l’UE ? Transform Europe, Projet K, Attac, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Hungarian social forum English, French, Italian, German, Greek
Friday 2slot     crisis of urban periphery,reason   Espaces Marx,Transform! fr/en/greek
Friday 2slot     "Free Trade": A recipe for mass unemployment and the degradation of worker's rights   Seattle To Brussels network; CGIL Italy, attac France; Espaces Marx Fr/ iI/ En
Friday 2slot     Alternative European Economic Policies : the European social model(s), labour, and macro economics"   attac d, charter of principlesn of another Europe, euro memo group, espaces Marx, attac france En/ Fr/ Ger
Friday 2slot W   The role of educational processes in local social and political processes Education, Culture, Médias. rosa-luxemburg-stiftung  
Friday 3slot     MOVIMIENTOS SOCIALES, PARTIDOS DE IZQUIERDA Y GOBIERNOS PROGRESIVOS DE AMERICA LATINA. PROBLEMAS ESTRATEGICOS Y EL PODER. L’Europe dans la mondialisation libérale Transform K,  ospaal,  Project K,  Foro Social Griego,   fal,  Initiatives por un autre monde, Venezuela Information Center  
Friday 3slot Α   Left parties in government Stratégie du mouvement rosa-luxemburg-stiftung, initiatives pour un autre monde  
Friday 3slot Β   Turkey and Europe: the view of the left   Nikos Poulatzas Institute, Transform! Greek, Turkish, French, English
Friday 3slot W   The Southern Africa struggle to stop neoliberism and promote an alternative   Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, ANSA  
Saturday 1slot W   From Marx to Rosa Luxemburg and Nikos Poulatzas: Socialism and democracy Stratégie du mouvement NICOS POULANTZAS INSTITUTE  
Saturday 1slot W   Participatory Budget : what to expect of it? Urban politics Athina Poli Anoihti, Nikos poulatzas Institute, FIM, Rosa Luxemburg Shiftung