VI. Partners
Center for Marxist Social Studies, Stockholm, Sweden
The Centre for Marxist Social Studies is an independent foundation started in 1977 on an initiative of the Left Party the Communists (currently the Left Party) in Sweden. CMS works openly, free from party-political interests to promote broad leftist discussion. The foundation's goal is to support research, inquiries and studies of our society's historical development, current events and future developmental tendencies.The foundation primarily supports such activities that are based upon a scientific marxism and marxist idea traditions. During the course of the years, CMS has gained the support of many well-known researchers and intellectuals and has built-up a high level of respect amongst the academic community as well as the left in general. The lectures from some events have been published in book form or in the CMS periodical Socialistisk Debatt (Socialist Debate). Today, CMS has local associations in Gothenburg, Lund, Norrköping and Uppsala. Local associations arrange lectures, debates and seminars as well as organize educational programs. They promote a broad leftist debate based upon Marxist tradition as well as create open meeting places where the scientific community can come in contact with local political cultures. Official homepage: