VI. Partners
Review Socialism, Hamburg, Germany
»Sozialismus« is a monthly review for the discussion of political leftists, trade unionists and activists in political movements in the Federal Republic of Germany. It publishes analyses concerning the political and economical situation in Europe, comments by leftists trade unionists in the FORUM GEWERKSCHAFTEN, and reports on international affairs (e.g. US-hegemony in the »coalition against terrorism«, the crisis of the »New Economy«, the decline of the »Third World« etc.)The editors (Theodor Bergmann, Heinz Bierbaum, Joachim Bischoff, Klaus Bullan, Hansgeorg Conert, Frank Deppe, Otto König, Sybille Stamm, Michael Wendl, Aline Zieher und Sost e.V.) are focussing particularly on international leftist analyses of the capitalist societies. This is only made possible by cooperations with authors and reviews in France, Italy, Great Britain, the USA and other countries. Most of these contributions are published in the monthly supplements of Sozialismus: e.g. Michel Albert analysed »The new accumulation regime«; Göran Therborn wrote on the »Perspectives of the Scandinavian model of capitalism«; the editors of »Monthly Review«, Michael Löwy, Frei Betto, Immanuel Wallerstein, Asbjørn Wahl and others discussed the »Spririt of Porto Alegre and the strategy of the left«. In may 2002 Peter Gowan elaborated on »The US-hegemony and global disorder«.
In addition the editors are engaged in the organization of congresses (e.g. »150 years of the Communist Manifesto«, »Contradictions of Shareholder Capitalism«, »Class-Society today«) and arrange political discussions for interested readers.
Since 1972 more than 250 issues of »Socialismus« have been delivered. The editors were motivated to create a new review because of the insufficient state of german socialist/communist reviews at the beginning of the seventies: Their central aim was (and is still today) to offer a marxist tribune which allows really controversial and critical discussions to develop political theories which are up to date with the profound changes in capitalist societies today. Official homepage: