I. Fundamental issues of Left parties

2. Strategy

h. Transformation

“Hard Left” and “Soft Left” Antagonism? - The Transformation of the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia and its Relations to the Social Democrats - Vladimir Handl

Presented at the 4th European Conference of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation in Warsaw, October 29 – 31, 2003


Left Parties in France - Roger Martelli Presented at the International Workshop of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation "A Comparison of Left-Wing Parties: Basic Conditions, Strategic Approaches and Criteria for Success", Berlin, 12 /13 December 2002 >>more >>French version Experiences of the European Left - Mimmo Porcaro

A contribution to the workshop “Novos desafios da esquerda na América do sul”, S.Paulo 24-26 nov. 2003

>>more Preliminary Conditions for Efficient Action of Radical Left Parties in Europe - Mimmo Porcaro

Contribution to the IVth European Conference of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Warsaw, October 2003


>>Italian version