III. Emergence of a unified german Left
Left Party in Contemporary German Politics
New Perspectives in German Studies
This is the first book in either English or German to analyse the development of Germany's newest political party, the Left Party.
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The Historic Significance of the New German Left Party by Ingar Sloty
An earlier version of this article appeared as “Transformation des deutschen Parteiensystems und europäische historische Verantwortung der Linkspartei” in the issue of Das Argument dedicated to the founding of the German Left Party in June 2007 (Das Argument 49.3, no. 271: “Theorie und Politik einer neuen Linken,” pp. 329-47).
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The new German party THE LEFT
When the party THE LEFT was founded on June 16th 2007 one message was made clear: The party will become a major power in the political system of the Federal Republic of Germany. “We came to stay”, said Lothar Bisky, together with Oskar Lafontaine, one of the co-chairman of the party. But what are the chances of this party to shape the power relations and politics in Germany. Four problems are discussed in the following: The emergence of the new left party, its current situation, the possibility of a centre-left alliance and some features of alternative reforms.
(translated article in:
» DIE LINKE. Wohin verändert sie die Republik?«)
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What is expected of the opposition – a survey by the Left Party - Tom Strohschneider
The Germans are dissatisfied with the work of the opposition in the Federal Parliament. Following a survey for the “Stern”, 33 percent of the citizens were happy with the work of the FDP. The work of the Greens was only evaluated as satisfactory by 29 percent. Only 16 percent said that of the Left Party.
Original on www.nd-online.de, July 27, 2006
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Programmatic milestones on the way to a new Left Party in Germany
Second draft – presented by the programmatic working group, with equal rights to both sides, by the Party executives by the Left Party.PDS and the Left Party.WASG
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PDS/WASG/Linkspartei Germany: Some Reflections on the new German Left
Volume 1 Christoph Spehr, Michael Brie: What does Left-wing mean today? (May 2006) Julia Bonk, Katja Kipping and Caren Lay: Freedom and socialism, let’s make it real (April 2006) Sahra Wagenknecht, ...
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“The challenge of party reform – experience and problems of left-wing European parties in reshaping their organization, structure and techniques” - Michael Chrapa
Theses for the Workshop of the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation to be held on 8/9 May 2003
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